centering a caption under a table

Here is a way (since you already want [H] option and have loaded the caption package I suppose it will be ok for you):

 % A \noindent is possibly needed here as @Mico suggested in his comment
  Year & Population (millions)\tabularnewline
   $1900$ & $1650$\tabularnewline
   $1910$ & $1750$\tabularnewline
   $1920$ & $1860$\tabularnewline
   $1930$ & $2070$\tabularnewline
   $1940$ & $2300$\tabularnewline
   $1950$ & $2560$\tabularnewline
   $1960$ & $3040$\tabularnewline
   $1970$ & $3710$\tabularnewline
   $1980$ & $4450$\tabularnewline
   $1990$ & $5280$\tabularnewline
   $2000$ & $6070$\tabularnewline
  \captionof{table}{World Population}\label{table1}

enter image description here

Since the tabular material must be typeset flush-left (aka ragged-right), I think the caption would look better if it, too, where set flush-left. (However, see below for a different solution.) One can achieve this formatting objective by loading the caption package with the options singlelinecheck=false and justification=raggedright.

enter image description here

   Year & Population (millions)\\ \hline 
   $1900$ & $1650$\\
   $1910$ & $1750$\\
   $1920$ & $1860$\\
   $1930$ & $2070$\\
   $1940$ & $2300$\\
   $1950$ & $2560$\\
   $1960$ & $3040$\\
   $1970$ & $3710$\\
   $1980$ & $4450$\\
   $1990$ & $5280$\\
   $2000$ & $6070$\\ 
\caption{World Population}\label{table1}

Alternatively, if the caption must be centered below the tabular material and the tabular material must be typeset flush-left, I suggest you (a) run \captionsetup{justification=centering}, (b) load the threeparttable package, and (c) encase both the tabular environment and the \caption statement in a threeparttable environment. This setup allows LaTeX to measure the width of the tabular material and to center the caption below the tabular; if needed, LaTeX will automatically insert line breaks in the caption. This behavior is shown in the following screenshot.

enter image description here

   Year & Population (millions)\\ \hline 
   $1900$ & $1650$\\
   $1910$ & $1750$\\
   $1920$ & $1860$\\
   $1930$ & $2070$\\
   $1940$ & $2300$\\
   $1950$ & $2560$\\
   $1960$ & $3040$\\
   $1970$ & $3710$\\
   $1980$ & $4450$\\
   $1990$ & $5280$\\
   $2000$ & $6070$\\ 
\caption{World Population}\label{table1}