Change font inside document to specific point size
Just tell LaTeX to use nine point type.
\begin{tabular}{*3{l}} % <- this table should be set in 9pt
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Word & Word & Word\\
For a really awful result, here's what you want:
\begin{tabular}[t]{*3{l}} % <- this table should be set in 9pt
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Word & Word & Word\\
Word & Word & Word\\
The fact that in a table
environment the interline spacing is reset to single spacing is a precise choice made by the setspace
package. You can revert it by removing the setting the package does.
\usepackage[justification=centering, font=normalsize, labelfont=bf]{caption}
\let\@xfloat\latex@xfloat % remove the redefinition made by setspace
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Word & Word & Word\\
Word & Word & Word\\
\caption{My table}