Change text gravity like the 2048 puzzle
Jelly, 23 bytes
Try it online!
I'm a bit unsatisfied, but MATL needed some competition. :P
Uses the order URDL
. Inputs:
- the input array as an array of padded lines
- the number of repetitions
- the move to start from (1 =
, 2 =R
, 3 =D
, 4 =L
UZ Helper link. Argument: A (the 2D array)
U Reverse each line and...
Z ...transpose. Rotates 90° CCW.
Ç¡=⁶$Þ€Ç$⁴¡ZU$⁵+⁴¤¡Y Main link. Arguments: A, n (2D array, repetitions)
Ç Rotate 90° CCW...
¡ ...m times. (m = which move to start on)
Þ Sort...
€ ...each line of the array...
=⁶ ...based on the characters' equality to " ".
Ç Rotate 90° CCW.
$ Combine the sort and rotate to one action.
⁴¡ Do that n times. (n = repetition count)
Z Transpose and...
U ...reverse each line. Rotates 90° CW.
$ Combine the transpose and reverse to one action.
¡ Do that...
⁵+⁴¤ ...m + n times.
Y Join the array by newlines.
JavaScript (ES6), 168 bytes
(n,d,s,t=s.replace([RegExp(`( )([^]{${`
`}})(\\w)`),/(.)(\b)( )/,RegExp(`(\\w)([^]{${l}})( )`),/( )(\b)(.)/][d%4],`$3$2$1`))=>n?t!=s?f(n,d,t):f(n-1,d+1,s):s
function gravity(count, direction, string) {
let width = string.indexOf('\n');
let up = new RegExp('( )([^]{' + width + '})(\\w)');
let down = new RegExp('(\\w)([^]{' + width + '})( )');
while (count--) {
let regexp = [up, /(.)(\b)( )/, down, /( )(\b)(.)/][direction++ % 4];
while (regexp.test(string)) string = string.replace(regexp, '$3$2$1');
return string;
is the initial index into the directions which are URDL