Change title of UINavigationController when UIPageViewController changes

I had to do exactly this in the app I'm currently working on.

First ensure you have set self.pageViewController.delegate to self.

Here's what I did:

// Notice when the pageviewcontroller finishes animating between pages.
- (void)pageViewController:(UIPageViewController *)pageViewController
   previousViewControllers:(NSArray *)previousViewControllers
   transitionCompleted:(BOOL)completed {

  // .viewControllers[0] is always (in my case at least) the 'current' viewController.
  UIViewController* vc = self.pageViewController.viewControllers[0];
  self.navigationItem.title = vc.navigationItem.title;

The 'secret' is that (at least in the simple swipe-left-right case with full-screen sized pages I have) that self.pageViewController.viewControllers[0] is the 'current' page.

To use your property rather than the navigationItem title, then just change the last line to something like self.navigationItem.title = ((MyViewController*)vc).myProperty;