Changing "and" to "&" and removing Oxford comma in bibliography
If it makes sense I'd suggest using a language that does not have the Oxford comma (british
for example).
But if that is not an option, a simple \let\finalandcomma=\empty
in \DefineBibliographyExtras{english}
should do it:
If we use that, we do not even need \renewcommand*{\finalnamedelim}{\addspace\bibstring{and}\space}
I have also changed the redefinition of \finalnamedelim
to \DeclareDelimFormat[bib,biblist]{finalnamedelim}{\addspace\&\space}
, as the test added nothing.
\DeclareFieldFormat{labelnumberwidth}{#1\addperiod} % Adds a period after each reference number in bibliography
author = {Author, A. B. and Author, A. B. and Author, A. B.},
journal = {Journal of the happy but frustrated biblatex user},
pages = {1070--1074},
title = {{Biblatex hurts so good}},
volume = {10},
date = {2014}
author = {Author, A. D. and Author, A. B. and Author, A. B. and Author, A.B},
journal = {Journal of the happy but frustrated biblatex user},
pages = {1070--1074},
title = {{Biblatex hurts so good}},
volume = {10},
date = {2013}
Be excellent, Dudes \supercite{author2013,author2014}.
You have solved much of the original problem yourself; you can solve the last bit to remove the Oxford comma before the et. al. in the bibliography entries with the following code added to your MWE:
\xpatchbibmacro{name:andothers}{ % Removes comma before the "et al"
This gives:
The final working example becomes:
\documentclass [12pt]{article}
maxnames=3, % Max number of names before "et al" starts
minnames=3, % Must show at least three names for citations and bibliography
firstinits=true, % Removes period after first name intial
terseinits=true, % Removes period after first name intial
sorting=none] % List citations in order they appear
\DeclareFieldFormat[article]{volume}{\textbf{#1}\addcomma\space} % Bolds volume of citation and adds comma after volume
\DeclareFieldFormat{pages}{#1} % No prefix for the "pages" field in the bibliography
\renewcommand*{\revsdnamepunct}{} % Removing the comma after last name in bibliography
\renewcommand*{\revsdnamepunct}{} % Removing the periods after first name intial in bibliography
\renewcommand{\labelnamepunct}{\addspace} % Removes period after year in bibliography
\DeclareFieldFormat[article]{title}{#1} % Remove quotes from journal title in bibliography
\DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{last-first} % Lists all authors with last name first in bibliography
\renewcommand*{\finalnamedelim}{\addspace\bibstring{and}\space} % Removes comma after penultimate name
\AtBeginBibliography{% Replaces "and" with "&" in bibliography
\xpatchbibmacro{name:andothers}{ % Removes comma before the "et al"
\xpatchbibmacro{name:andothers}{ % Makes the "et al" italicized bibliography
\renewbibmacro{in:}{% Removes "In" from bibliography entries
{\printfield[labelnumberwidth]{labelnumber}} % Adds numbers to references and wraps the text for each bibliography entry
\DeclareFieldFormat{labelnumberwidth}{#1.} % Adds a period after each reference number in bibliography
author = {Author, A. B. and Author, A. B. and Author, A. B.},
journal = {Journal of the happy but frustrated biblatex user},
pages = {1070--1074},
title = {{Biblatex hurts so good}},
volume = {10},
date = {2014}
author = {Author, A. D. and Author, A. B. and Author, A. B. and Author, A.B},
journal = {Journal of the happy but frustrated biblatex user},
pages = {1070--1074},
title = {{Biblatex hurts so good}},
volume = {10},
date = {2013}
Be excellent, Dudes \supercite{author2013,author2014}