Changing "DateTaken" of a photo
For .NET Core I use NuGet package ExifLibNet (
PM> Install-Package ExifLibNet
// using ExifLibrary;
var file = ImageFile.FromFile(filename);
file.Properties.Set(ExifTag.DateTimeDigitized, dateTime);
file.Properties.Set(ExifTag.DateTimeOriginal, dateTime);
Not exactly a programming solution, but you can use exiftool. I use it for this exact purpose.
Date/Time Shift Feature
Have you ever forgotten to set the date/time on your digital camera before taking a bunch of pictures? ExifTool has a time shift feature that makes it easy to apply a batch fix to the timestamps of the images (eg. change the "Date Picture Taken" reported by Windows Explorer). Say for example that your camera clock was reset to 2000:01:01 00:00:00 when you put in a new battery at 2005:11:03 10:48:00. Then all of the pictures you took subsequently have timestamps that are wrong by 5 years, 10 months, 2 days, 10 hours and 48 minutes. To fix this, put all of the images in the same directory ("DIR") and run exiftool:
> exiftool "-DateTimeOriginal+=5:10:2 10:48:0" DIR
You can also set the TimeZoneOffset field, in case there's ever software that actually uses it.
The simplest way I've found is using technic described here and System.Drawing.Bitmap;
The code should be like this:
public void ChangeDateTaken(string path)
Image theImage = new Bitmap(path);
PropertyItem[] propItems = theImage.PropertyItems;
Encoding _Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
var DataTakenProperty1 = propItems.Where(a => a.Id.ToString("x") == "9004").FirstOrDefault();
var DataTakenProperty2 = propItems.Where(a => a.Id.ToString("x") == "9003").FirstOrDefault();
string originalDateString = _Encoding.GetString(DataTakenProperty1.Value);
originalDateString = originalDateString.Remove(originalDateString.Length - 1);
DateTime originalDate = DateTime.ParseExact(originalDateString, "yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss", null);
originalDate = originalDate.AddHours(-7);
DataTakenProperty1.Value = _Encoding.GetBytes(originalDate.ToString("yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss") + '\0');
DataTakenProperty2.Value = _Encoding.GetBytes(originalDate.ToString("yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss") + '\0');
string new_path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path) + "\\_" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(path);
Don't forget to add System.Drawing assembly. Also you will probably need to adjust DateTime format to your culture, if needed