Check if number is in list of numbers

\ifcase doesn't work like the switch statement in other languages, in which you choose what values have a branch of their own. The syntax of \ifcase is:

    <case 0>
\or <case 1>
\or <case 2>
\or <as many as you want>
\else <other cases>

you can't skip a value. In your code you'd need:

\foreach \x in {10, 9,..., 0}
  \ifcase\x \relax
      % 0
  \or % 1
  \or % 2
  \or % 3
  \or % 4
  \or % 5
     \node[] {\x};
  \or % 6
  \or % 7
  \or % 8
  \or % 9
  \or % 10
  \else % other cases

which is a handful. For a small number of exceptions you could use \ifnum:

\foreach \x in {10, 9,..., 0}
  \ifnum\x=5 \relax
     \node[] {\x};
  \else\ifnum\x=10 \relax
     % do things with \x=10
     % possibly more cases

which can become a mess, once you have more than a couple of cases.

My suggestion: \int_case:nnF. You can specify each case individually and a false branch in case no other is taken:

\cs_new_eq:NN \IntCasennF \int_case:nnF
\foreach \x in {10, 9,..., 0}
  \IntCasennF {\x}
      {5}{\node[] {\x};}
      {10}{<Code for 10>}
    {<Other cases>}

\if I understand the question correctly, you want to check whether or not a number is equal to A, B, C etc. This can be done as follows.


\foreach \X in {10, 9,..., 0}
         \node at (\X,0) {\X};

For more extensive applications I recommend the memberQ function, which may or may not become one day part of the pgf world. It tests if an integer is in a list of integers.


\foreach \X in {10, 9,..., 0}
         \node at (\X,0) {\X};

