Incomplete \iffalse: How to shift a scope in polar coordinate?
It seems that commands can't be used as option of scope
. Try the following:
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
\draw[fill=red] (0,0) rectangle ++(2,2);
\tikzset{polarshift/.style args={#1/#2}{xshift=#1*cos(#2),yshift=#1*sin(#2)}}
If I understood your problem correctly, just shift it to a polar coordinate
\draw[fill=red] (0,0) rectangle ++(2,2);
% xshift = \pgfmathparse{multiply(#1,cos(#2))}
% yshift = \pgfmathparse{multiply(#1,sin(#2))}
This is an attempt to convince you to make things more TikZy. Instead of a macro \object
it is arguably better to define a pic
. Then the shift is just the (relative) coordinate of the pic
code={\draw[fill=red] (0,0) rectangle ++(2,2);}}]
\path pic{object} (30:60pt) pic{object} ;
As you see, the code becomes much shorter. And it is easier to customize things:
code={\draw[fill=red,pic actions] (0,0) rectangle ++(2,2);}}]
\path pic{object} (30:60pt) pic[rotate=30,scale=1.2,dashed,draw=blue]{object} ;
ADDENDUM: as for your comment: of course, your approach can be made work, too. First of all, TikZ automatically parses these expressions, so there is no need to say \pgfmathparse
. Other than that you are missing a comma, and you need to expand the macro.
%\usepackage{graphicx} %<-loaded by tikz
%\usepackage{pgf}% <- loaded by tikz
\draw[fill=red] (0,0) rectangle ++(2,2);
xshift ={#1*cos(#2)},
yshift ={#1*sin(#2)}