Conditionally execute a command if a specific package is loaded

Assuming that \gitVer and \VersionBox are defined by gitver, just add

\providecommand{\VersionBox}[1]{gitver not loaded}

after the conditional loading.

This exploits the fact that \providecommand does nothing if the command is already defined.

Normally you would just use \@ifpackageloaded, but the command is limited to the preamble. To use it in the document body you need \ltx@ifpackageloaded from the ltxcmds package. Since the macro has an @ in the name, you need to wrap it in \makeatletter and \makeatother.

%\csname sys_if_shell_unrestricted:T\endcsname{\usepackage{gitver}}

% this commented paragraph is conceptual & needs fixing through a solution from this forum
  \hypersetup{pdfversionid = \gitVer}
  \hypersetup{pdfversionid = {}}

Hello world!

% The following again describes my intended requirements in words
% detect if gitver has been loaded & print \versionBox{} if so; otherwise print "gitver not loaded"
\ltx@ifpackageloaded{gitver}{\versionBox{}}{gitver not loaded}
