Check whether an integer is a power of 2 without using +,- operations

APL (7)

Yes, that's 7 bytes. Assume for the moment that I'm using IBM codepage 907 instead of Unicode and then each character is a byte :)


i.e. 0 = mod(log(input(),2),1)

GolfScript, 6 chars, no decrements


Here's a solution that doesn't use the x & (x-1) method in any form. It uses x & (x/3) instead. ;-) Outputs 0 if false, 1 if true.


  • ~ evals the input string to turn it into a number,
  • . duplicates it (for the subsequent &),
  • 3/ divides it by three (truncating down),
  • & computes the bitwise AND of the divided value with the original, which will be zero if and only if the input is zero or a power of two (i.e. has at most one bit set), and
  • ! logically negates this, mapping zero to one and all other values to zero.


  • Per the clarified rules, zero is not a valid input, so this code is OK, even though it outputs 1 if the input is zero.

  • If the GolfScript decrement operator ( is allowed, then the 5-character solution ~.(&! posted by aditsu is enough. However, it seems to go against the spirit of the rules, if not the letter.

  • I came up with the x & (x/3) trick years ago on the Fun With Perl mailing list. (I'm sure I'm not the first to discover it, but I did (re)invent it independently.) Here's a link to the original post, including a proof that it actually works.

GolfScript, 11 (for 1 (true) and 0 (false))


Put the number on the stack and then run.

GolfScript, 22 (for Yes/No)


I love how converting 1/0 to Yes/No takes as much code as the challenge itself :D

Warning: EXTREMELY inefficient ;) It does work fine for numbers up to 10000, but once you get that high you start to notice slight lag.


  • .,: turns n into n 0..n (. duplicate, , 0..n range)
  • {2\?}: to the power of 2
  • %: map "power of 2" over "0..n" so it becomes n [1 2 4 8 16 ...]
  • ?0>: checks to see if the array contains the number (0 is greater than index)