Checkout Maven project from SCM - no connectors

For those using subclipse 1.8.x there is a patched version of the m2e connector. Here is the update site:

(Thanks to RockyMM for posting the link to the WONTFIX issue, which contained the link to the patched version.)

Affan was correct. The connectors are all still there in Indigo, just hidden a little.

  1. Start Eclipse and open preferences.
  2. Find the Maven group and expand it.
  3. Select the "Discovery" item and click "Open Catalog".
  4. A dialog will pop up with all the goodies. The connectors are at the bottom.

Looks like there is some incompatibility issue between Indigo and m2eclipse. This discussion gives more details including a possible solution.

Hope this helps.

Edit 1: Uninstalled m2eclipse 0.12.x from Indigo and installed m2e from Eclipse's m2e releases repository. This version shows a link to download m2e scm connectors from Eclipse marketplace (when you try to check out a maven project from scm). I could see connectors for cvs, git and subversive.

I ran into this issue with Eclipse where when you would try to Import a project via:

"Check out Maven Projects from SCM" from the project expoler the "scm url" drop down box would be empty.

After googling around, you must have subclipse installed from the Eclipse Marketplace (which I did) AND "Maven SCM handler for Subclipse" from the "Help->Install new software" dialog box (which I did not).

How to get Maven SCM Handler for Subclipse:

Assumption: You have Subclipse installed.

  1. Click Help->Install New Software
  2. Click "Add..." to add a new software site.
  3. Add this site: (Alternative URL:
  4. Select the Maven SCM handler for Subclipse
  5. Install

You can now use the Project Explorer context menu of "Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM" and actually have a SCM URL to choose from in the drop down box, namely "svn".

Tested with Eclipse Juno