Click event in Google Map InfoWindow not caught

As far as I know, GMaps injects content into the InfoWindow programatically, so any bound event handlers on the injected elements will not fire unless you use event delegation:

$(".foo").live("click", myFunction);

See the live event handlers.

If the event binding call is called before the call to openInfoWindowHtml as it is in your example, the span wasn't in the DOM while the first call was looking for elements with the class "foo," so no handler was attached.

You can either move that event handler to be called after openInfoWindowHtml, or use "live" event binding so that jQuery will monitor the DOM for any new elements with the given selector.

$(".foo").live('click', myFunction);

I couldnt get it working like Kevin Gorski explained...

with jquery 1.9.1 and maps api v=3.exp the following works:

infowindow.setContent('<a href="#" id="test">test</a>');
google.maps.event.addDomListener(infowindow, 'domready', function() {
    $('#test').click(function() {
        alert("Hello World");