Code Deploy fails without any error message

I faced at sometime this thing and it was due to the following: If we initially created and turned on the ec2 instance without setting the IAM service role, and after that we added the service role, it will not take effect until we restart the instance.

The most likely problem you're facing is that the agent either isn't installed or the instance doesn't have sufficient permissions. When there are no events started on the instance for the deployment, it means that CodeDeploy couldn't talk to the host for some reasons.

Here's the steps I would take:

  1. Confirm that you installed the CodeDeploy agent
  2. Confirm that you've created the IAM service role
  3. Confirm that you have the IAM Instance Profile and that it's associated with the instance
  4. Check that you can reach the CodeDeploy commands endpoint in your region from the box. i.e. ping Otherwise, your networking setup might be too restrictive.
  5. Look at the logs on the host to see what's going on