CodePipeline: ECR source + ECS deploy configuration

I had a similar use-case and hit the same problem. Bit of a long answer with a solution that addresses my use case...

  1. Use Case: Tools Account has the CodePipeline which does the CodeBuild and docker push to QA Accounts ECR. The image will have 2 tags - A "commit hash" and "latest". QA Account has a pipeline which executes when a new image is made available and this pipeline deploys the new image into the Fargate cluster in QA Account.
  2. Deployment Platform: Amazon ECS Standard Deployment Actions.
  3. Source: ECR.
  4. Cause of the Problem: ECR Source's Output artifact rightfully only contains the Information about the Image and does not include the Container Name which is expected by ECS Standard Deploy.
  5. Suggestion to AWS: Given the popular scenario of using ECR as a source for ECS we can make an argument of having capability (optional) to add Container name in the output artifact - This would allow generation of Output artifacts which are acceptable as input for ECS Standard Deploy.

As per this official doco from AWS ECS Standard Deployment expects a - imagedefinitions.json file which provides the container name and image URI. It should looks like:

    "name": "sample-app",
    "imageUri": ""

But the ECR source produces an Output Artifact called imageDetail.json example below. This does not match the expected input format for ECS Standard Deploy aka imagedefinitions.json - which includes the Container Name (name) and the deploy fails with a message like Deploy Failure:

    "ImageSizeInBytes": "44728918",
    "ImageDigest": "sha256:EXAMPLE11223344556677889900bfea42ea2d3b8a1ee8329ba7e68694950afd3",
    "Version": "1.0",
    "ImagePushedAt": "Mon Jan 21 20:04:00 UTC 2019",
    "RegistryId": "EXAMPLE12233",
    "RepositoryName": "dk-image-repo",
    "ImageURI": "",
    "ImageTags": [

The approach I took to fix this is:

  1. In the Source stage: In addition to ECR source I added a source from s3 which contains imagedefinitions.json in a zip.

  2. In the ECS Deploy stage action I refer to the Output artifact from the s3 source which contains imagedefinitions.json in the format that ECS Standard Deploy understands.

Note: The imagedefinitions.json is static in the s3 bucket and always refers to latest tag on the said image. So in the QA image definitions bucket I will end-up with an image definitions zip i.e one per instance of Fargate service.

I've exported my pipeline here for general reference:

"pipeline": {
    "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNTID:role/service-role/AWSCodePipelineServiceRole-REGION-PIPELINENAME",
    "stages": [
            "name": "Source",
            "actions": [
                    "inputArtifacts": [],
                    "name": "Source",
                    "region": "REGION",
                    "actionTypeId": {
                        "category": "Source",
                        "owner": "AWS",
                        "version": "1",
                        "provider": "ECR"
                    "outputArtifacts": [
                            "name": "SourceArtifact"
                    "configuration": {
                        "ImageTag": "latest",
                        "RepositoryName": "PIPELINENAME"
                    "runOrder": 1
                    "inputArtifacts": [],
                    "name": "sourceimagedeffile",
                    "region": "REGION",
                    "actionTypeId": {
                        "category": "Source",
                        "owner": "AWS",
                        "version": "1",
                        "provider": "S3"
                    "outputArtifacts": [
                            "name": "PIPELINENAME-imagedefjson"
                    "configuration": {
                        "S3Bucket": "BUCKETNAME",
                        "PollForSourceChanges": "true",
                        "S3ObjectKey": ""
                    "runOrder": 1
            "name": "Deploy",
            "actions": [
                    "inputArtifacts": [
                            "name": "PIPELINENAME-imagedefjson"
                    "name": "Deploy",
                    "region": "REGION",
                    "actionTypeId": {
                        "category": "Deploy",
                        "owner": "AWS",
                        "version": "1",
                        "provider": "ECS"
                    "outputArtifacts": [],
                    "configuration": {
                        "ClusterName": "FARGATECLUSTERNAME",
                        "ServiceName": "PIPELINENAME",
                        "FileName": "imageDetail.json"
                    "runOrder": 1
    "artifactStore": {
        "type": "S3",
        "location": "codepipeline-REGION-555869339681"
    "name": "PIPELINENAME"

I just recently had to solve a similar issue where I wanted to use ECR as the source of my pipeline and have it deploy the image to ECS. The solution I found was by creating 3 stages:

  • Source: ECR
  • Build: Custom code to convert the ECR artifact into an artifact that the Deploy stage would understand
  • Deploy: To ECS

Here's the buildspec.yml file I'm using as my build stage:

version: 0.2

      python: 3.7
      - PHP_REPOSITORY_URI=$(cat imageDetail.json | python -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['ImageURI'].split('@')[0])")
      - IMAGE_TAG=$(cat imageDetail.json | python -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['ImageTags'][0])")
      - echo Writing image definitions file...
      - printf '[{"name":"container","imageUri":"%s"}]' $PHP_REPOSITORY_URI:$IMAGE_TAG > imagedefinitions.json
    files: imagedefinitions.json

Basically what this does is read the imageDetail.json file and extract the ECR repository URL and TAG and output a json file formatted for the ECS Deploy stage, which is just a standard stage without customization.