color: none effect in CSS to prevent override

No, it won't work. It will be ignored because none is an invalid value for the color property.

Depending on what you're trying to achieve, you could set it to transparent/inherit/initial.

These values are somewhat self-explanatory. The value inherit will cause the element to inherit the computed value of the color property from its parent element. The value initial will set the color to the browser's default color (likely specified in the user agent stylesheet). It's worth pointing out that the initial value isn't fully supported in all browsers.

I believe, as it seems to me that you're trying to get font to have no color/be transparent, that if you set the CSS color property (color:) to rgba(0,0,0,0), it will set the text to black, but also set its opacity to 0 so it won't be seen. I hope this helps.

