combine grep with the watch and netstat command
For the grep you need:
"grep gateway\|MultiMedia"
So perhaps try:
watch -n1 'netstat -upnlt | grep "gateway\|MultiMedia"'
I had a similar problem monitoring an ssh connection.
> netstat -tulpan|grep ssh
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 31447/ssh
However watch -n 1 'netstat -tulpan|grep ssh'
shows no output (apart from message from watch).
If I change it to watch -n 1 'netstat -tulpan|grep ":22"'
I get the required output line. It seems as if the -p option is ignored when netstat is run through watch. Strange.
There's also the new way of doing things... grep -E is nice and portable (Or egrep, which is simply quick for grep -E on linux&bsd) so you don't have to escape the quote. From the man pages:
-E Interpret pattern as an extended regular expression (i.e. force
grep to behave as egrep).
watch "netstat -upnlt | grep -E 'gateway|multimedia'"
watch "netstat -upnlt | egrep 'gateway|multimedia'"