Command \nr already defined (datetime2 and nccmath incompatibility)

Yes, they have a small incompatibility. The nccmath defines \nr to be equivalent to \\[0.5ex]. If you will not use this shortcut, then the solution proposed by @Zarko will work: nccmath will define \nr and datetime2 will overwrite it without problems.

But if you would like to have the \nr shortcut then that won't work. datetime2 uses \nr as a temporary macro to hold a number. You can redefine that to use another name, so the clash doesn't happen. Add this to your preamble after loading datetime2 and before nccmath:





\author{Isabella B.}




    \[ 2\times2=4 \]


You can load packages in this order, neutralising the \nr command from nccmath:


You can replace the nccmath \nr either with what it's for: \\[0.5ex], or use the linespread environment from mathtools (needless to load amsmath in this case).