Command that returns current font size as a length?

\newcommand*\fsize{\dimexpr\f@size pt\relax}

This way you can use the macro like \setlength{\baselineskip}{1.33\fsize}.

\selectfont is the switch the changes the font. You can tie into this and update \fsize:

enter image description here



\DeclareRobustCommand{\selectfont}{\oldselectfont\setlength{\fsize}{\f@size pt}}












If you set the length, it won't change until you reset it. What you need is a macro:

\newcommand{\currentfsize}{\f@size pt}

Example (using the code by Werner):


\newcommand{\currentfsize}{\f@size pt}



\setfsize % should be 10pt










\the\fsize % should be 10pt (printed in \Huge size)


As you see, setting \fsize at the beginning doesn't change its value.

enter image description here