Compare date only (without time) in JPA2 (JPQL)
There is no mention of DateTime functions allowing to do that in the spec of JPQL, but you could always cheat and do
select r from Record r where r.calendar >= :theDayAtZeroOClock and r.calendar < :theDayAfterAtZeroOClock
Mysql and H2 compatible comparison of dates ignoring time part:
`@Query("SELECT DISTINCT s " +
"FROM Session s " +
"JOIN m " +
"WHERE = :movie AND CAST(s.time AS date) = CAST(:date AS date) " +
"ORDER BY s.time")
List<Session> getByMovieAndDate(@Param("movie") Long movie, @Param("date") LocalDateTime date);`
q.setParameter("calendar", c, TemporalType.DATE)
You can pass the TemporalType.DATE to setParameter method to truncate the date+time.