Compute overall ranking

Jelly, 11 10 bytes

-1 byte by @Dennis


Uses the fact that lists are lexicographically ordered.

This is a dyadic link that takes two arguments plus one input. The left argument is x, the rankings. The right argument is y, the tiebreaker. The input is the weights.

×⁵S€żị@€ỤỤ         Dyadic function. Inputs: x, y
×⁵                 Vectorized multiply x by the weights.

  S                Sum the rows.
                   This is the weighted ordering.
   ż               Zip with
    ị@€             x indexed at y, mapped over x
       ỤỤ          and compute the inverse of the permutation vector that sorts that.
                   A list is sorted by its inverse permutation, so
                   this is the inverse of the inverse; i.e. the original permutation.

Try it here.