Configure TexnicCenter with something else than Adobe Reader X

This This would be my TXC output profile for working with Sumatra. It allows forward and backward search and you can keep the pdf-file open while compiling. The commands are: (Check if your paths are right)


C:\Programme\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe -inverse-search "\"C:\Programme\TeXnicCenter\TEXCNTR.EXE\" /ddecmd \"[goto('%f','%l')]'\""







You can also find tutorials for using TXC with Sumatra at TeXnicCenter Tutorials.

I recommend using sumatra pdf instead

It is recommended to use the -reuse-instance in the calling line to be configured inside texniccenter.

You may also want to take a look at the latest texmaker, as it comes with its on PDF viewer.

This is not an answer to your question but for anybody who wants to continue using Adobe solutions are discussed at this question

However, most PDF readers (including Adobe) can be used by changing from DDE Command to Command Line argument and using “%bm.pdf” with a leading space in the box. That’s for View project’s output and for Forward Search.

For many readers you have to use Do not close in the last option which means you have to close the pdf manually before recompiling. However, for viewers such as PDF-XChange Viewer you can put /close “%bm.pdf” in the bottom box and the document will automatically close.