Configuring solarized colorscheme in gnome terminal, tmux and vim
These days GNOME Terminal comes with Solarized colours built in. To use it, you need to change two settings in the profile that you're using. The obvious one is the text and background colour. You also need to set the palette to Solarized, though. You can find this setting below the one for the text and background colour. At this point, setting t_Co
or g:solarized_termcolors
in Vim shouldn't be necessary.
The palette is the part that I missed at first, which caused me to puzzle why the text in Vim and other applications was bright blue.
I tested it out and got it working in the following way:
Install gnome solarized colorscheme. You can get it from
Install solarized colorscheme for vim. You can get it from In .vimrc you should add following settings:
set t_Co=256 set background=dark colorscheme solarized
Set correct TERM variable by adding following line to your .bashrc/.zshrc
export TERM=screen-256color-bce
Run gnome-terminal, tmux, vim and profit.