Confirm the Illuminati
Vim, 40 bytes
-2 bytes thanks to DJMcMayhem
9i_|␛r\I/␛qqYPxR /␛q8@qr^4jhR/o\␛jr/2hr\
You can see it in action in this GIF made using Lynn's python script
Charcoal, 25 21 bytes
Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:
χ With sides of length 10
¬ In the directions down and left
G Draw a closed polygon (implicit side)
|_¶_| Filled with |_ and _| on alternate lines
↗⁹ Draw a line of 9 /s
↙^ Draw a ^ and move the cursor down and left
M³↓ Move down 3 characters
/o¶\ Print the left half of the eye
‖B Reflect the canvas keeping the right edge
SOGL V0.12, 31 27 25 bytes
Try it Here!
^ push "^"
9∫ } do 9 times, pushing counter
Ƨ_| push "_|"
m mold that to the counter
└Κ prepend "/"
¹ collect the lines in an array - ["^", "/_", "/_|", ..., "/_|_|_|_|_"]
± reverse each ["^", "_/", "|_/", ..., "_|_|_|_|_/"]
§ reverse as ascii-art:
[" ^",
" /_",
" /_|",
"/o¶\_” push "/o
95ž insert that at [9; 5]
Γ palindromize horizontally
or a 24 byte version using ¼
(space to an antidiagonal) instead of ±§
Try it Here!