Confirm the Illuminati

Vim, 40 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to DJMcMayhem

9i_|␛r\I/␛qqYPxR /␛q8@qr^4jhR/o\␛jr/2hr\

You can see it in action in this GIF made using Lynn's python script

In action

Charcoal, 25 21 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:

  χ                     With sides of length 10
 ¬                      In the directions down and left
G                       Draw a closed polygon (implicit side)
   |_¶_|                Filled with |_ and _| on alternate lines
        ↗⁹               Draw a line of 9 /s
          ↙^            Draw a ^ and move the cursor down and left
            M³↓         Move down 3 characters
               /o¶\     Print the left half of the eye
                   ‖B  Reflect the canvas keeping the right edge

SOGL V0.12, 31 27 25 bytes


Try it Here!

 ^                         push "^"
  9∫      }                do 9 times, pushing counter
    Ƨ_|                      push "_|"
       m                     mold that to the counter
        └Κ                   prepend "/"
           ¹               collect the lines in an array - ["^", "/_", "/_|", ..., "/_|_|_|_|_"]
            ±              reverse each                    ["^", "_/", "|_/", ..., "_|_|_|_|_/"]
             §             reverse as ascii-art:
                            ["         ^",
                             "        /_",
                             "       /_|",
              "/o¶\_”      push "/o
                     95ž   insert that at [9; 5]
                        Γ  palindromize horizontally

or a 24 byte version using ¼ (space to an antidiagonal) instead of ±§:


Try it Here!