Convert 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 to "one", "two", "three", etc

Python 2, 64

print' ottffssennwhoiieiieoruvxvgn  ere ehe  e   nt'[input()::9]

This is what the string looks like with some extra whitespace (try reading vertically):

o t t f f s s e n
n w h o i i e i i
e o r u v x v g n
    e r e   e h e 
    e       n t

As explained in the comments below, [input()::9] starts at the given index and selects every ninth subsequent character.

Bash (with bsdgames), 9

number -l

Reads from standard input.

I don't know why there's a utility for this, but whatever.

Common Lisp - 22 bytes

Here's a general one (not just for one-ten):

(format nil"~R"(read))

Oh, you want ordinals (first, second, ... three-hundredth...)? Ok!

(format nil"~:R"(read))