Largest number in ten bytes of code

Perl, >1.96835797883262e+18


Might not be the largest answer... today! But wait enough millennia and it will be!


To address some of the comments, by "enough millenia," I do in fact mean n100s of years.

To be fair, if the big freeze/heat death of the universe is how the universe will end (estimated to occur ~10100 years), the "final" value would be ~10214, which is certainly much less than some of the other responses (though, "random quantum fluctuations or quantum tunneling can produce another Big Bang in 101056 years"). If we take a more optimistic approach (e.g. a cyclic or multiverse model), then time will go on infinitely, and so some day in some universe, on some high-bit architecture, the answer would exceed some of the others.

On the other hand, as pointed out, time is indeed limited by the size of integer/long, so in reality something like ~0 would always produce a larger number than time (i.e. the max time supported by the architecture).

This wasn't the most serious answer, but I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Wolfram ≅ 2.003529930 × 1019728

Yes, it's a language! It drives the back-end of the popular Wolfram Alpha site. It's the only language I found where the Ackermann function is built-in and abbreviated to less than 6 characters.

In eight characters:

$ ack(4,2)


Or ≅ 2.003529930 × 1019728

ack(4,3), ack(5,2) etc. are much larger, but too large. ack(4,2) is probably the largest Ackermann number than can be completely calculated in under an hour.

Larger numbers are rendered in symbolic form, e.g.:

$ ack(4,3)

2↑²6 - 3 // using Knuth's up-arrow notation

The rules say any output format is allowed, so this might be valid. This is greater than 101019727, which is larger than any of the other entries here except for the repeated factorial.


$ ack(9,9)

2↑⁷12 - 3

is larger than the repeated factorial. The largest number I can get in ten characters is:

$ ack(99,99)

2↑⁹⁷102 - 3

This is insanely huge, the Universe isn't big enough to represent a significant portion of its digits, even if you took repeated logs of the number.

Python2 shell, 3,010,301 digits


Calculating the length: Python will append a "L" to these long numbers, so it reports 1 character more than the result has digits.

>>> len(repr( 9<<9999999 ))

First and last 20 digits:

40724177878623601356... ...96980669011241992192