Convince grep to output all lines, not just those with matches

grep --color -E "test|$" yourfile

What we're doing here is matching against the $ pattern and the test pattern, obviously $ doesn't have anything to colourize so only the test pattern gets color. The -E just turns on extended regex matching.

You can create a function out of it easily like this:

highlight () { grep --color -E "$1|$" "${@:1}" ; }

ack --passthru --color string file

for Ubuntu and Debian, use ack-grep instead of ack

ack-grep --passthru --color string file

Another way to do this properly and portably with grep (besides using two regexes with alternation as in the accepted answer) is via the null pattern (and respectively null string).
It should work equally well with both -E and -F switches since, per the standard:

    Match using extended regular expressions. 
    [...] A null ERE shall match every line.


    Match using fixed strings.
    [...] A null string shall match every line.

So it's simply a matter of running

grep -E -e '' -e 'pattern' infile

and respectively

grep -F -e '' -e 'string' infile