Copy lots of files ignoring errors

The fastest way would likely to be to use xcopy through a Command Prompt instance, in a context similar to:


The /C flag forces xcopy to ignore any issues with copying; the /E flag orders xcopy to copy folders (even empty ones), and the /Q flag makes it a quiet operation (otherwise, you'll get an entry for each thing copied).

An example would be:

xcopy d:\*.* c:\recovery /C /E /Q

 robocopy.exe with /r:0 /w:0 

for a first pass, then increase to /r:1

Maybe some simple Powershell snippet?

copy-item -path E:\myfolders -destination C:\newfolder -container -force -recurse -erroraction continue -warningaction continue -confirm:$false

In order to run, open Powershell console (available in every Windows since XP), change -path and -directory parameters to your start and destination folder, copy the command to PS window and press enter. If you can't copy, enable quick edit mode in console properties - this maps paste option under right-mouse button in Win7.

Might require closing paths in quotation marks '' if there are special signs in names, like whitespace.

This run in Powershell should copy all files and subirectories to specified directory. Will continue copying despite some error with specified file. For every broken file that command can't copy, you will receive a lot of red output in console. If you don't want to see these, change erroraction to silentlycontinue.