Could not determine access type for property "file"

Please add "'mapped' => false," to form builder.

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
   ->add('file', FileType::class, 
        'data_class' => null,
        'mapped' => false,            
    ->add('name', TextType::class)

Those who say that it is wrong to dissolve, see the test there. I'm not the one who made it wrong.

Test code:

A second solution is to add function setXxx to the property that gives an error in class Entity.

public $xxx;

public function setXxx(Array $xxx)
    $this->xxx = $xxx;


public function __construct()
    $this->xxx = new ArrayCollection();

Video Link:

My English is bad, I can tell you.

Setting mapped => false is not the real solution, because the field IS mapped to the entity.

In my case, I have a OneToMany relation, so I need the field mapped in order to use the 'cascase' => {"all"} option.

If the field is not mapped, then you must to persist the related entity manually. That's no good.

