Couldn't match expected type `Text' with actual type `[Char]'
Unfortunately, Haskell has several conflicting types for strings of characters. String literals are usually of type String
which is just an alias for [Char]
. Because that is an inefficient representation of strings, there are alternatives, like Text
In your case, adding {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
as the first line of your program will make it compile. Basically your string literals can be of type Text
In the case of ghci
you can run :set -XOverloadedStrings
In my case I had code that was doing concatenation of a String and Text value:
"cd " ++ stackProjectLocation
"cd "
was being of type Text because of using {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
And stackProjectLocation
was a String
The solution was to use (<>) :: Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
"cd " <> stackProjectLocation