Count all occurrences of a char within a string
i don't use Scala or even java but google search for "Scala string" brought me to here
which contains :
count (p: (Char) ⇒ Boolean): Int
Counts the number of elements in the string which satisfy a predicate.
the predicate used to test elements.
the number of elements satisfying the predicate p.
Definition Classes
TraversableOnce → GenTraversableOnce
Seems pretty straight forward but i dont use Scala so don't know the syntax of calling a member function. May be more overhead than needed this way because it looks like it can search for a sequence of characters. read on a different result page a string can be changed into a sequence of characters and you can probably easily loop through them and increase a counter.
You can also take a higher level approach to look into substring occurrences within another string, by using sliding
def countSubstring(str: String, sub: String): Int =
str.sliding(sub.length).count(_ == sub)
"hello".count(_ == 'l') // returns 2