Count Number of Consecutive Occurrence of values in Table

You could use windowed functions like LAG and running total:

WITH cte AS (
 SELECT Id, Name, grp = SUM(CASE WHEN Name = prev THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) OVER(ORDER BY id)
 FROM (SELECT *, prev = LAG(Name) OVER(ORDER BY id) FROM t) s
SELECT name, cnt = COUNT(*)
FROM cte
GROUP BY grp,name

db<>fiddle demo

The first cte returns group number:

| Id  | Name  | grp |
|  1  | A     |   1 |
|  2  | A     |   1 |
|  3  | B     |   2 |
|  4  | B     |   2 |
|  5  | B     |   2 |
|  6  | B     |   2 |
|  7  | C     |   3 |
|  8  | B     |   4 |
|  9  | B     |   4 |

And main query groups it based on grp column calculated earlier:

| name  | cnt |
| A     |   2 |
| B     |   4 |
| C     |   1 |
| B     |   2 |

One approach is the difference of row numbers:

select name, count(*) 
from (select t.*,
             (row_number() over (order by id) -
              row_number() over (partition by name order by id)
             ) as grp
      from t
     ) t
group by grp, name;

The logic is easiest to understand if you run the subquery and look at the values of each row number separately and then look at the difference.