Create a new grid layer from a CSV, given the four corner coordinates
A very fast solution using, using the Field Calculator is:
Import the CSV file as a point layer using LAT1 and LONG1 as X and Y;
Save the shapefile as temporary (to be able to add a new field in the Attribute table) (we call here, for the example, VPOINTS);
Open Field Calculator and create a new Field (string, field length 250) called "polygon" using the expression
concat("Lat1", ' ' ,"Long1", ', ', "Lat2", ' ', "Long2", ',', "Lat3", ' ', "Long3", ',', "Lat4" ,' ', "Long4" )
- With this new field in VPOINTS, in Processing you can use the algorithm Geometry by expression to create a new vector layer with the expression
geom_from_wkt( 'POLYGON(('||
Use VPOINTS as Input Layer and choose Polygon as Output Geometry Type.
The grid is ready and in his attribute table you have all the original attributes preserved.