Create a triangular array of red and black circles in TikZ
Not sure it is very elegant ...
\foreach \x [evaluate=\x as \xmod using {int(mod(\x,5))}] in {0,...,19}
\foreach \y [evaluate=\y as \ymod using {int(mod(\y,5))}, evaluate=\ymod as \k using { \ymod > \xmod ? "black" : "red" }] in {0,...,\x}
\draw [fill=\k] (\x - \y / 2, \y * 0.866) circle (0.2);
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \imod using {int(mod(\i,5))}] in {1,...,20}
\foreach \j [evaluate=\j as \jadj using {int(mod((int((floor(\j/6))+\j)),6))} ] in {1,...,\i}
\filldraw [\clr] ( \j - \i/2 , -\i*.866 ) circle (.2);
Will yield two copies of
Stack it!
\newcommand\redt{\Shortstack{\redc{} \redc\redc{} \redc\redc\redc{} %
\redc\redc\redc\redc{} \redc\redc\redc\redc\redc}}
\newcommand\blat{\Shortstack{\blac\blac\blac\blac{} \blac\blac\blac{} %
\blac\blac{} \blac{} \vphantom{\blac}}}
}{\boldmath\normalsize\Longstack{\textsf{\bfseries{}Triangular Numbers}
With a pic
pics/blacktri/.style= {code={%
\foreach \y in {0,...,3}{%
\foreach \x in {0,...,\y}{%
\node[draw=black, fill=black] at (\x - \y/2, \y * 0.866) {};
every node/.style={circle, minimum size=4pt, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt}]
\foreach \x in {0,...,19}{%
\foreach \y in {0,...,\x}{%
\node[draw=red, fill=red] (P-\x-\y) at (\x - \y/2, \y * 0.866) {};
\foreach \x in {15,10,5}{%
\foreach \y in {11,6,1}{%
\pic[xscale=0.3,yscale=0.3] at (P-\x-\y) {blacktri};
\caption{The 20th triangular number}