Create an array in TikZ with \underbrace in different colors
This solution builds on Altermundus answer; I only used the shapes
library to add two "tapes" to get the desired aspect for the interrupted band:
\foreach \c/\i [count=\n] in
\node[draw,fill=\c,minimum height=1cm,minimum width = 2cm,xshift=\n*2cm,font=\ttfamily](N\n){\i} ;
\draw [decoration={brace,mirror,raise=5pt},decorate] (N1.south west) -- node[below=10pt]{$M_0$}(N1.south east);
\draw [decoration={brace,mirror,raise=5pt},decorate] (N1.south east) -- node[below=10pt]{$M_1$}(N4.south east);
\node [tape, draw,minimum size=1cm,tape bend top=none,
tape bend height=0.4cm,rotate=90] at (9.3,0) (t) {};
\node [tape, draw,minimum size=1cm,tape bend top=none,
tape bend height=0.4cm,rotate=270] at (11.3,0) (t) {};
\node at (10.3,0.5) {\dots};
\node at (10.3,-0.5) {\dots};
\foreach \c/\i [count=\m] in
\node[draw,fill=\c,minimum height=1cm,minimum width = 2cm,xshift=10.6cm+\m*2cm](N\m){\i} ;
\draw [decoration={brace,mirror,raise=5pt},decorate] (N2.south west) -- node[below=10pt]{$M_d$}(N2.south east);
\foreach \c/\i [count=\n] in
\node[draw,fill=\c,minimum height=1cm,minimum width = 2cm,xshift=\n*2cm](N\n){\i} ;
\draw [decoration={brace,mirror,raise=5pt},decorate] (N1.south west) -- node[below=10pt]{$M_0$}(N1.south east);
\draw [decoration={brace,mirror,raise=5pt},decorate] (N1.south east) -- node[below=10pt]{$M_1$}(N4.south east);
Update : Gonzalo was faster than me ! My code below is not complete I stop it when I saw the good answer of Gonzalo. I put my idea because I find a great difficulty. In my idea the connecting boxes contained numbers. here the result :
\node[tape, draw,fill=red!20, tape bend top=none,rotate=90,minimum width=1cm,minimum height=2cm] at (7.92, 0) {};
\node[tape, draw,fill=yellow!20, tape bend bottom=none,rotate=90,minimum width=1cm,minimum height=2cm] at (12, 0) {};
\foreach \c/\i/\b [count=\n] in
{\ifnum \b=1
\node[draw,fill=\c,minimum height=1cm,minimum width = 2cm,xshift=\n*2cm](N\n){\i} ;
\node[minimum height=1cm,minimum width = 2cm,xshift=\n*2cm](N\n){\i} ;
\fi }
\draw [decoration={brace,mirror,raise=5pt},decorate] (N1.south west) -- node[below=10pt]{$M_0$}(N1.south east);
\draw [decoration={brace,mirror,raise=5pt},decorate] (N1.south east) -- node[below=10pt]{$M_1$}(N4.south east);
The difficulty is real ! because I can't rotate nodes with numbers inside.
Another option without using tikz/pgf
\fcolorbox{black}{#1}{\texttt{#2\strut}}\kern-\fboxrule}% Coloured box
The macro \cbox{<color>}{<stuff>}
typesets <stuff>
in the appropriate (framed) \fcolorbox
with colour <color>
. Modifying the frame colour to white
and overlaying it on the enlarged rectangle multiple times (slightly spaced) provides the faux dashed line style to "break" the sequence.