Table of contents without title

The article document class defined \tableofcontents as


This prints both the \contentsname as a \section* and marks the headers, after which it typesets the actual ToC (via \@starttoc{toc}). If you forego the header adjustments, merely renewing the \tableofcontents command to


would suffice. This typesets a \section* with the contents name provided as an optional argument (default is \contentsname, which is Contents in article). Afterwards, if starts a two-column multicol environment and inserts the ToC. Here's a minimal example:

enter image description here

\tableofcontents[Table of Contents]
\section{First section}%
\subsection{First subsection}%
\subsection{Second subsection}%
\subsection{Third subsection}%
\subsection{Last subsection}%
\section{Second section}%
\subsection{First subsection}%
\subsection{Second subsection}%
\subsection{Third subsection}%
\subsection{Last subsection}%
\section{Last section}%
\subsection{First subsection}%
\subsection{Second subsection}%
\subsection{Third subsection}%
\subsection{Last subsection}%

For a ToC in multiple columns you can simply use the multitoc package.


