How to label complex edges with graph library?
If you're only trying to create flow-charts, it would be much easier if you use pure tikz without a library. Here's an example from the tikz example site (slightly modified).
\tikzstyle{decision} = [diamond, draw, fill=gray!20,
text width=4.5em, text badly centered, node distance=3cm, inner sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=gray!15,
text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em]
\tikzstyle{altblock} = [rectangle, draw, fill=gray!15,
text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners=6pt, minimum height=2em]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex']
\tikzstyle{cloud} = [draw, ellipse,fill=gray!10, node distance=3cm,
minimum height=2em]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 3cm, auto,scale=0.75,transform shape]
% Place nodes
\node [altblock] (init) {initialize};
\node [cloud, left of=init] (expert) {expert};
\node [cloud, right of=init] (system) {system};
\node [decision, below of=init] (identify) {Was successful?};
\node [block, below of=identify] (evaluate) {evaluate candidate models};
\node [block, left of=evaluate, node distance=3cm] (update) {update model};
\node [decision, below of=evaluate] (decide) {is best candidate better?};
\node [block, below of=decide, node distance=3cm] (stop) {stop};
% Draw edges
\path [line] (init) -- (identify);
\path [line] (identify) -- node[auto] {yes} (evaluate);
\path [line] (identify) -| node[auto,right] {no} (system);
\path [line] (evaluate) -- (decide);
\path [line] (decide) -| node [near start] {yes} (update);
\path [line] (update) |- (identify);
\path [line] (decide) -- node {no}(stop);
\path [line,dashed] (expert) -- (init);
\path [line,dashed] (system) -- (init);
%\path [line,dashed] (system) |- (evaluate);
Here's the output for this:
Your problem doesn’t have anything to do with graphs
or the library. The to path
s are missing their nodes. You need to add \tikztonodes
after the target coordinate of the path operatore you want to add the nodes to.
hv path/.style ={to path={-| (\tikztotarget) \tikztonodes}},
vh path/.style ={to path={|- (\tikztotarget) \tikztonodes}},
I also switched to the arrows.meta
library (stealth
becomes Stealth
) since the libraries arrows
and arrows.spaced
are now depecrated (but still available of course).
Though it seem that a new bug has been introduced which can be seen with
A21 -- [edge label=C] A11 -> A12;
as the edge from A21
to A11
gets an arrow tip even if <-
is used anywhere on that graph.
every node/.style={align=center},
hv path/.style ={to path={-| (\tikztotarget) \tikztonodes}},
vh path/.style ={to path={|- (\tikztotarget) \tikztonodes}},
\matrix[column sep=1cm,row sep=1cm] (mymatrix) {
\coordinate (A11); & \node[draw] (A12) {A12}; \\
\node[draw] (A21) {A21}; & \coordinate (A22); \\
\graph[use existing nodes] {
A21 -> [edge label=A]A12;
A21 -> [hv path, near end, edge label'=B] A12;
A21 -- [edge label=C] A11 -> A12;