Make ToC in the center and left aligned in beamer

A small calculation could advance the margins sufficiently to obtain the centered & left-aligned \tableofcontents display.

enter image description here

\newsavebox{\longestsec}% Box to save longest sectional heading

  \frametitle{Table of contents}
  \begin{lrbox}{\longestsec}Last section in the presentation\end{lrbox}% Capture longest title
  \setlength{\leftskip}{\dimexpr.5\textwidth-.5\wd\longestsec\relax}% Advance left margin accordingly

\section{First section}
  \frametitle{First slide}
  This is a slide.

\section{Last section in the presentation}% Longest sectional title
  \frametitle{Another slide}
  This is another slide

​The reason for this round-about way is because beamer collapses the spacing when putting \tableofcontents within a minipage or varwidth (from the varwidth package).

Here is an automated way of capturing the width of the longest section:

\newsavebox{\longestsec}% Box to save longest sectional heading
\patchcmd{\beamer@section}% <cmd>
  {\beamer@savemode}% <search>
   \beamer@savemode}% <replace>
  {}{}% <success><failure>

  \frametitle{Table of contents}
  \setlength{\leftskip}{\dimexpr.5\textwidth-.5\secnamelength\relax}% Advance left margin accordingly

\section{First section}
  \frametitle{First slide}
  This is a slide.

\section{Last section in the presentation}% Longest sectional title
  \frametitle{Another slide}
  This is another slide

The above stores the length of the longest section in \secnamelength that is written to the .aux at the end of the document. A patch of \beamer@section (with the aid of etoolbox is necessary to grab the maximum length of a section name and drop it into the .aux \AtEndDocument so it can be retrieved in a successive run.

By patching \beamer@sectionintoc command, I could use varwidth inside center environment to make ToC lines left aligned and in the center.

The only limitation of this solution is, ToC lines could not be wrapped.

    \beamer@tocact{\ifnum\c@section=#1\beamer@toc@cs\else\beamer@toc@os\fi}{section in toc}}}%
    \beamer@tocact{\ifnum\c@section=#1\beamer@toc@cs\else\beamer@toc@os\fi}{section in toc}}%
\setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]    

\frametitle{Table of contents}

\section{First section}    
\frametitle{First slide}
This is a slide.

\section{Second section in the presentation}    
\frametitle{Another slide}
This is another slide.

\section{Last section}    
\frametitle{Last slide}
This is the last slide.


enter image description here

As shown in my comment, the automatism provided by Werner can be problematic if you have short names like \section[shortName]{longName} e.g. for beamer slide headlines. It always takes the first argument, which would then be the short name.

I implemented a quick solution now (with etoolbox and ifthen), which will take the second argument if provided:

\newsavebox{\longestsec}% Box to save longest sectional heading
\patchcmd{\beamer@section}% <cmd>
{\beamer@savemode}% <search>
        \wd\longestsec > \secnamelength
        \wd\longestsec > \secnamelength
}% <replace>
{}{}% <success><failure>