Creating a duplicate SQL Server database on the same Amazon RDS

Great News:

The limitation listed previously in the RDS Documentation has been removed:

You can't restore a backup file to the same DB instance that was used to create the backup file. Instead, restore the backup file to a new DB instance. Renaming the database is not a workaround for this limitation.

You can't restore the same backup file to a DB instance multiple times. That is, you can't restore a backup file to a DB instance that already contains the database that you are restoring. Renaming the database is not a workaround for this limitation.

I have just tested this, and have been able to restore the same backup multiple times to different database names on the same RDS SQL Server without issue, using the msdb.dbo.rds_restore_database stored procedure as defined within the linked documentation.

While possible to generate a script for a database, import it elsewhere, back it up and restore it back on the original instance, it wasn't a great workaround in my case. I've had to give up on using an RDS instance and go down the more traditional route of hosting multiple training databases on a Windows EC2 instance.