Creating a systemd script for Sybase ASE
This is what I did. No forking or pid file required and can be run as sybase user. ExecStop is not required if you are happy with the dataserver being stopped with a kill command.
unit file ... /etc/systemd/system/sybase-srvnane
Add a separate unit file for each sybase server.
[Unit] Description=Sybase dataserver [Service] User=sybase ExecStart=/home/sybase/bin/run-dataserver SRVNAME ExecStop=/home/sybase/bin/stop-dataserver SRVNAME [Install]
start script ... /home/sybase/bin/run-dataserver
#!/bin/sh [ $# -ne 1 ] && echo "Usage: $0 <SYB_SERVER>" && exit 1 _server=${1} . /opt/sybase/ _run_file=${SYBROOT}/${SYBASE_ASE}/install/RUN_${_server} if [ -x ${_run_file} ] then echo "Starting Sybase server ... ${_server}" . ${_run_file} else echo "Cannot find run file ${_run_server}" exit 1 fi
stop script ... /home/sybase/bin/stop-dataserver
#!/bin/bash [ $# -ne 1 ] && echo "Usage: $0 <SYB_SERVER>" && exit 1 _server=${1} . /opt/sybase/ _isql=${SYBROOT}/${SYBASE_OCS}/bin/isql if [ -x ${_isql} ] then echo "Stopping Sybase server .... ${_server}" ${_isql} -U sa -S ${_server} << EOF $( cat /home/sybase/.sa_password ) shutdown go EOF fi
For completeness I also have stop for a backup server ... /home/sybase/bin/start-backup-dataserver
#!/bin/bash [ $# -ne 1 ] && echo "Usage: $0 <SYB_SERVER>" && exit 1 _server=${1} . /opt/sybase/ _isql=${SYBROOT}/${SYBASE_OCS}/bin/isql if [ -x ${_isql} ] then echo "Stopping Sybase backup server .... ${_server}" ${_isql} -U sa -S ${_server} << EOF $( cat /home/sybase/.sa_password ) shutdown SYB_BACKUP go EOF fi
I have a user read-only file /home/sybase/.sa_password for the password.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
and you are done.