Creating equidistant points in QGIS?
Note: There is now a QGIS plugin QChainage
. It does all this and more. The code below is out of date with QGIS 2.0 and above.
Here is some Python code that you can stick in a file and use inside QGIS:
QGIS does have a method in it API to do liner referencing however I couldn't get it to work correctly, but I will contact the author of the code and see if I was doing something wrong.
For now you will need the shapely Python library, which you should install anyway because it's handy to have around. It also has great documentation at
This is the section I am using in the following example
Most of the following code is QGIS boilerplate code just creating the features, layers, converting from wkb and wkt and back. The core bit is the point = line.interpolate(currentdistance)
which returns a point at a distance along a line. We just wrap this in a loop until we run out of line.
import qgis
from qgis.core import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import QVariant
from shapely.wkb import loads
from shapely.wkt import dumps
vl = None
pr = None
def createPointsAt(distance, geom):
if distance > geom.length():
print "No Way Man!"
length = geom.length()
currentdistance = distance
feats = []
while currentdistance < length:
line = loads(geom.asWkb())
point = line.interpolate(currentdistance)
fet = QgsFeature()
fet.setAttributeMap( { 0 : currentdistance } )
qgsgeom = QgsGeometry.fromWkt(dumps(point))
currentdistance = currentdistance + distance
def pointsAlongLine(distance):
global vl
vl = QgsVectorLayer("Point", "distance nodes", "memory")
global pr
pr = vl.dataProvider()
pr.addAttributes( [ QgsField("distance", QVariant.Int) ] )
layer = qgis.utils.iface.mapCanvas().currentLayer()
for feature in layer.selectedFeatures():
geom = feature.geometry()
createPointsAt(distance, geom)
Copy and paste the above code into file, I called my, in ~./qgis/python
directory (because it is in the Python path) and just do the this in the Python console inside QGIS.
import locate
That will create a new point layer with points at every 30 meters along the selected lines, like so:
Note: Code is pretty rough and might need some clean up.
EDIT: The lastest QGIS dev build can now do this natively.
Change the while loop in createPointsAt
while currentdistance < length:
point = geom.interpolate(distance)
fet = QgsFeature()
fet.setAttributeMap( { 0 : currentdistance } )
currentdistance = currentdistance + distance
and you can remove the
from shapely.wkb import loads
from shapely.wkt import dumps
You could use the QGIS GRASS plugin tool to create points along lines at regular intervals
# convert line to points; dmax = distance between points -i -v -t in=road out=road_pts type=line dmax=90
If you want to plot the chainage at fixed intervals along a road line you could use the 'Profile from line' plug-in to do this. You need a DEM under the road line layer, but the procedure is quick and very simple. Nick.