Creating MeshRegions of various 2D lattices

I modify hexTile slightly for convenience by skipping the wrapup with Polygon and by Flattening a level.

hexTile1[n_, m_] := 
  With[{hex = 
     Table[{Cos[2. Pi k/6] + #, Sin[2. Pi k/6] + #2}, {k, 6}] &}, 
   Flatten[Table[hex[3 i + 3 ((-1)^j + 1)/4, Sqrt[3]/2 j], {i, n}, {j, m}], 1]];

Let's assume that we have a ragged array polygonpts whose entries are lists containing the vertex positions of each polygon. First, we compute a clustering tolerance ϵ lower than any edge length in the tesselation. Second, we cluster duplicates with the help of Nearest in order to produce a reduced point set newpts. Afterwards, we use the NearestFunction of newpts as a lookup function for the vertex indices.

polygonpts = hexTile1[3, 5];
ϵ = 0.5 Min[Sqrt[Total[(# - RotateLeft[#])^2, {2}]] & /@ polygonpts];
pts = Flatten[polygonpts, 1];
plist = Sort[DeleteDuplicates[
   Compile[{{idx, _Integer, 1}}, 
    RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable},
    Parallelization -> True
    ][Nearest[pts -> Automatic, pts, {∞, ϵ}]]
newpts = pts[[plist]];
nf = Nearest[newpts -> Automatic];
polygons = Internal`PartitionRagged[Flatten[nf[pts]], Length /@ polygonpts];

MeshRegion[newpts, Polygon[polygons], MeshCellLabel -> {0 -> "Index"}]

enter image description here

It appears that this is the same mesh as the one returned by DiscretizeGraphics.

Sorting the reduced point set first leads to somewhat nicer enumeration of points:

newpts = Sort[pts[[plist]]];
nf = Nearest[newpts -> Automatic];
polygons = Internal`PartitionRagged[Flatten[nf[pts]], Length /@ polygonpts];

MeshRegion[newpts, Polygon[polygons], MeshCellLabel -> {0 -> "Index"}]

enter image description here