Creating new theme, Copy Magento 2 luma theme

Finally I figured it out why the Static blocks are not showing on home page (banners, products not is showing up).

The reason why Static blocks are not showing is because the are used with Content > Elements > Widget. Widget are directly linked with Design Package/Theme, So when we have created a new theme the widget is not valid (or simply not linked to our custom theme), as it is still linked to Luma theme. So to show the static block on home again. Create a new Widget for our custom theme.

I Hope this Help to someone who is looking for the same.

Home Page Widget for Luma theme Magento 2

Luma theme is used only for demo. Part of data added by samples modules that add data to the database. So, you cannot simple replicate result just by theme.

You can tell your Magento Theme that it uses Luma as parent. To do so create a theme.xml-file in /app/design/frontend/{Name}/{NameSpace}/.

Content, sorta mandatory in order to let the theme work:

<theme xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Config/etc/theme.xsd">
     <title>Name NameSapce</title> <!-- your theme's name -->
     <parent>Magento/luma</parent> <!-- the parent theme, in case your theme inherits from an existing theme -->
    <!-- <media> -->
         <!--<preview_image>media/preview.jpg</preview_image>--> <!-- the path to your theme's preview image -->