Creating SQL table using dynamic variable name

DECLARE @MyTableName sysname;
DECLARE @DynamicSQL nvarchar(max);

SET @MyTableName = 'FooTable';

SET @DynamicSQL = N'SELECT * INTO ' + QUOTENAME(@MyTableName) + ' FROM BarTable';

EXEC sp_executesql @DynamicSQL;

Unfortunately, you can't use bind variables for table names, column names, etc. IN this case you must generate dynamic SQL and use exec.

SET @Script = N'SELECT * INTO SomeTableName_' + N'20100526' + N' FROM SomeTableName';
EXEC sp_executesql @Script

I've left the date separate as I assume you want to calculate it for every run.

You should look into using synonyms:

-- Create a synonym for the Product table in AdventureWorks2008R2. CREATE SYNONYM MyProduct FOR AdventureWorks2008R2.Production.Product; GO

-- Query the Product table by using the synonym. USE tempdb; GO SELECT ProductID, Name FROM MyProduct WHERE ProductID < 5; GO