Cross out words with TikZ: line opacity

It is enough to draw the cross in a single path instead of two:

\draw[red,draw opacity=0.5, line width=1.5pt] (A.north west) -- (A.south east) (A.south west) -- (A.north east);




    \tikz[remember picture, baseline=(A.base)]{
        \node[inner sep=0pt](A){#1};
    \tikz[overlay, remember picture]{
        \draw[red,draw opacity=0.5, line width=1.5pt] (A.north west) -- (A.south east) (A.south west) -- (A.north east);


Antonio Vivaldi was \mycrossed{an Italian} a Venitian Baroque musical composer, virtuoso violinist, teacher, and priest.


You can use the cross out shape node like that:


    \tikz[remember picture, baseline=(A.base)]{
        \node[cross out, 
            draw= red,
            line width=1.5pt,
            draw opacity=0.5,
            inner sep=0pt](A){#1};


Jean-Baptiste Lully  was \txtcross{a French} an Italian-born French composer, instrumentalist, and dancer


enter image description here

Based on @Hafid Boukhoulda answer, with some simplification (without remember picture option, slightly different node style definition):


    \node[cross out, draw= red, draw opacity=0.5, line width=1.5pt,
          inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt] (A) {#1};%

Antonio Vivaldi was \mycrossed{an Italian} a Venitian Baroque musical composer, virtuoso violinist, teacher, and priest. Antonio Vivaldi was \mycrossed{an Italian} a Venitian Baroque musical composer, virtuoso violinist, teacher, and priest.

enter image description here