Custom sqlite database for unit tests for code using peewee ORM

I just pushed a commit today that makes this easier.

The fix is in the form of a context manager which allows you to override the database of a model:

from unittest import TestCase
from playhouse.test_utils import test_database
from peewee import *

from my_app.models import User, Tweet

test_db = SqliteDatabase(':memory:')

class TestUsersTweets(TestCase):
    def create_test_data(self):
        # ... create a bunch of users and tweets
        for i in range(10):
            User.create(username='user-%d' % i)

    def test_timeline(self):
        with test_database(test_db, (User, Tweet)):
            # This data will be created in `test_db`

            # Perform assertions on test data inside ctx manager.
            self.assertEqual(Tweet.timeline('user-0') [...])

        # once we exit the context manager, we're back to using the normal database

See the documentation and have a look at the example testcases:

  • Context manager
  • Testcases showing how to use

To not include context manager in every test case, overwrite run method.

# imports and db declaration

class TestUsersTweets(TestCase):
    def run(self, result=None):
        with test_database(test_db, (User, Tweet)):
            super(TestUsersTweets, self).run(result)

    def test_timeline(self):
        self.assertEqual(Tweet.timeline('user-0') [...])