Canvas, 113 112 bytes

«/*α_×-/═↔⁸3+ *-╶R⇵{;X:«w╷/###/*Kky┤_×+-y#×/×-y_×-/═ŗ∙ #⟳#¶#╋# ⟳_╋↔x“kyv╴e┌/i┴⁰U<alissfr↖;,imFE!↷qB╪²-‟#ŗ}#∙ ╋↔║

Try it here!

A part of the answer is literally evaluating the JavaScript p.p.overlap(p.p,0,p.p,(a,b)=>b==0?a:b)..

Charcoal, 80 bytes

F⮌…·¹N«→↘F²«M⁺³×⁴ι↑P×_⊗ι↙F⊗ι«FκP× ⁴↙¹»→Fι«FκP× ⁴↘¹»F⊖ι«FκP× ⁻׳ιλ↘¹»\P×_⊗ι»»‖BO²

Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:


Loop from the largest to the smallest hexagon.


Draw each hexagon twice in the desired location.


Draw half of the top line of the hexagon.

↙F⊗ι«FκP× ⁴↙¹»

Draw the top left diagonal, but for each row erase 4 spaces first if this is the second hexagon.

→Fι«FκP× ⁴↘¹»

Draw half of the bottom left diagonal, still erasing 4 spaces first if this is the second hexagon.

F⊖ι«FκP× ⁻׳ιλ↘¹»

Draw almost all of the rest of the bottom left diagonal, erasing until the middle of the hexagon if this is the second hexagon.


Finish the bottom left diagonal and draw half of the bottom line of the hexagon.


Mirror everything at the end.

Alternative approach, also 80 bytes:

F⮌…·¹N«→↘F²«M⁺³×⁴ι↑FκG→⊗ι↓³←⊖⊗ι↙⊖⊗ι↘⊖⊗ι→⊖⊗ι↓³←⊗ι↖⊕⊗ι↗⊕⊗ι P×_⊗ι↙↙⊗ι→↘⊗ι↑P×_⊗ι»»‖M

Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:


Loop from the largest to the smallest hexagon.


Draw each hexagon twice in the desired location.


Before drawing the second hexagon, erase the area between it and the next smaller hexagon.


Draw the left half of each hexagon, and then mirror everything at the end.

C (clang), 374 bytes

#define F(X,R)*d=*(d=o+x*(l*3+35-g)+x/2+X+R)-32?*d:R?
i,z,x,l,w,r,g,m;f(n){int*d,o[i=z=(x=n*8+1)*(n*5+4)],*c=o;for(;l=i--;)*c++=i%x?32:10;for(;l++<n;)for(g=35;i=g-29;g-=3){for(r=m+=m=w=l*2;r--;F(~-w*x-w,r)g:g)F(w*~x,r)95:95,F(w*x-w,r)95:95;for(;w--;)for(r=4;r--;F(m-~w*~-x,-r)g:47)F(w-m-w*x,r)g:47,F(w-m-~w*x,r)g:92,F(m+~w-w*x,-r)g:92;}for(;i<z;++i)printf(o[i]-35?o+i:" ");}

Try it online!

-33 more saved by @ceilingcat improvement

C (clang), 433 412 407 bytes

#define F(Y,X,W,R)*d=*(d=c-Y+X+W+R)-32?*d:R?
i,z,x,l,w,r,d,G,g,m;f(n){int*c,*d,o[i=z=(x=n*8+1)*(n*5+4)];for(c=o;l=i--;)*c++=i%x?32:10;for(;l++<n;)for(G=0;i=G<4;G+=3){g=35-G;c=o+x*l*3+G*x+x/2;for(r=m+=m=w=l*2;r--;F(x-w*x,-w,0,r)g:g)F(w*x,-w,0,r)95:95,F(-w*x,-w,0,r)95:95;for(;w--;)for(r=4;r--;F(~w*x,m,~w,-r)g:47)F(w*x,-m,w,r)g:47,F(~w*x,-m,w,r)g:92,F(w*x,m,~w,-r)g:92;}for(;i<z;)i+=printf(o[i]-35?o+i:" ");}

Try it online!

-21 thanks to @ceilingcat -5 @ceilingcat + y removed

    ###\   <= we  draw only on spaces ' '  
 \###        first time we draw '#' for collisions


 /####\        then we move our drawing pointer
/######\     3 lines below
 \____/         and we draw spaces 
/      \       instead of # 
\      /

   //######\     and we repeat for bigger donuts
  /#\######/   moving our drawing pointer 
/###/      \ 
\###\      /