Data Conflict in LINQ

The error "Row not found or changed" also will appear sometimes when the columns or types in the O/R-Designer do not match the columns in the SQL database, especially if one column is NULLable in SQL but not nullable in the O/R-Designer.

So check if your table mapping in the O/R-Designer matches your SQL database!

These (which you could add in a partial class to your datacontext might help you understand how this works:

public void SubmitKeepChanges()
    catch (ChangeConflictException e)
        foreach (ObjectChangeConflict occ in this.ChangeConflicts)
            //Keep current values that have changed, 
//updates other values with database values


public void SubmitOverwrite()
    catch (ChangeConflictException e)
        foreach (ObjectChangeConflict occ in this.ChangeConflicts)
            // All database values overwrite current values with 
//values from database


public void SubmitKeepCurrent()
    catch (ChangeConflictException e)
        foreach (ObjectChangeConflict occ in this.ChangeConflicts)
            //Swap the original values with the values retrieved from the database. No current value is modified

Here's a way to see where the conflicts are (this is an MSDN example, so you'll need to heavily customize):

catch (ChangeConflictException e)
    Console.WriteLine("Optimistic concurrency error.");
    foreach (ObjectChangeConflict occ in db.ChangeConflicts)
        MetaTable metatable = db.Mapping.GetTable(occ.Object.GetType());
        Customer entityInConflict = (Customer)occ.Object;
        Console.WriteLine("Table name: {0}", metatable.TableName);
        Console.Write("Customer ID: ");
        foreach (MemberChangeConflict mcc in occ.MemberConflicts)
            object currVal = mcc.CurrentValue;
            object origVal = mcc.OriginalValue;
            object databaseVal = mcc.DatabaseValue;
            MemberInfo mi = mcc.Member;
            Console.WriteLine("Member: {0}", mi.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("current value: {0}", currVal);
            Console.WriteLine("original value: {0}", origVal);
            Console.WriteLine("database value: {0}", databaseVal);

To make it ignore the problem and commit anyway:


I've gotten this error in a circumstance completely unrelated to what the error message describes.

What I did was load a LINQ object via one DataContext, and then tried to SubmitChanges() for the object via a different DataContext - gave this exact same error.

What I had to do was call DataContext.Table.Attach(myOldObject), and then call SubmitChanges(), worked like a charm.

Worth a look, especially if you're of the opinion that there really shouldn't be any conflicts at all.