Database shape in tikz

I don't think you need to define a new shape for this, unless you also want to use the border anchor. If you do, please let me know.

For simple usage you could use the following:


        path picture={
            \draw (0, 1.5*\database@segmentheight) circle [x radius=\database@radius,y radius=\database@aspectratio*\database@radius];
            \draw (-\database@radius, 0.5*\database@segmentheight) arc [start angle=180,end angle=360,x radius=\database@radius, y radius=\database@aspectratio*\database@radius];
            \draw (-\database@radius,-0.5*\database@segmentheight) arc [start angle=180,end angle=360,x radius=\database@radius, y radius=\database@aspectratio*\database@radius];
            \draw (-\database@radius,1.5*\database@segmentheight) -- ++(0,-3*\database@segmentheight) arc [start angle=180,end angle=360,x radius=\database@radius, y radius=\database@aspectratio*\database@radius] -- ++(0,3*\database@segmentheight);
        minimum width=2*\database@radius + \pgflinewidth,
        minimum height=3*\database@segmentheight + 2*\database@aspectratio*\database@radius + \pgflinewidth,
    database segment height/.store in=\database@segmentheight,
    database radius/.store in=\database@radius,
    database aspect ratio/.store in=\database@aspectratio,
    database segment height=0.1cm,
    database radius=0.25cm,
    database aspect ratio=0.35,

    \begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1pt]
        \node[database,label=below:some label] {};
        \node[database,label=below:some label,database radius=1cm,database segment height=0.5cm] at (3,0) {};

The \makeatletter and \makeatother are necessary to use macros with @ in them. It is not really needed here, but I prefer to use it to keep macros readable and to prevent you from overwriting them somewhere without using the pgf keys.

This examples results in:

enter image description here


As requested in the comments, with the following code you can set a style for all three segments separately. You can use database top segment={<style>}, database middle segment={<style>}, and database bottom segment={<style>} for this.


    database top segment style/.style={draw},
    database middle segment style/.style={draw},
    database bottom segment style/.style={draw},
        path picture={
            \path [database bottom segment style]
                -- ++(0,-1*\db@sh) 
                arc [start angle=180, end angle=360,
                    x radius=\db@r, y radius=\db@ar*\db@r]
                -- ++(0,1*\db@sh)
                arc [start angle=360, end angle=180,
                    x radius=\db@r, y radius=\db@ar*\db@r];
            \path [database middle segment style]
                -- ++(0,-1*\db@sh) 
                arc [start angle=180, end angle=360,
                    x radius=\db@r, y radius=\db@ar*\db@r]
                -- ++(0,1*\db@sh)
                arc [start angle=360, end angle=180,
                    x radius=\db@r, y radius=\db@ar*\db@r];
            \path [database top segment style]
                -- ++(0,-1*\db@sh) 
                arc [start angle=180, end angle=360,
                    x radius=\db@r, y radius=\db@ar*\db@r]
                -- ++(0,1*\db@sh)
                arc [start angle=360, end angle=180,
                    x radius=\db@r, y radius=\db@ar*\db@r];
            \path [database top segment style]
                (0, 1.5*\db@sh) circle [x radius=\db@r, y radius=\db@ar*\db@r];
        minimum width=2*\db@r + \pgflinewidth,
        minimum height=3*\db@sh + 2*\db@ar*\db@r + \pgflinewidth,
    database segment height/.store in=\db@sh,
    database radius/.store in=\db@r,
    database aspect ratio/.store in=\db@ar,
    database segment height=0.1cm,
    database radius=0.25cm,
    database aspect ratio=0.35,
    database top segment/.style={
        database top segment style/.append style={#1}},
    database middle segment/.style={
        database middle segment style/.append style={#1}},
    database bottom segment/.style={
        database bottom segment style/.append style={#1}}

    \begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1pt]
        \node[database,label=below:some label, database middle segment={fill=green}, database bottom segment={draw=none, fill=blue}] {};
        \node[database,label=below:some label,database radius=1cm,database segment height=0.5cm, database top segment={draw=blue,fill=red}] at (3,0) {};

The example above results in:

enter image description here

You are right, a cylinder exists already in shapes.geometric and is is very easy to use it to draw a database shape.

\tikzset{database/.style={cylinder,aspect=0.5,draw,rotate=90,path picture={
\draw (path picture bounding box.160) to[out=180,in=180] (path picture bounding
\draw (path picture bounding box.200) to[out=180,in=180] (path picture bounding
\node[database] {};

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf