Debugging C++/native library modules not working with Android Studio (Cmake used)

I had the same error ("Attention! No symbol directories found - please check your native debug configuration."). My solution was (Android Studio 3.2):

Run → Edit Configuration → "Debugger" tab → add your working path to Symbol Directories.

enter image description here

I had the similar issue with my own libraries some months ago because I thought that if I added the -g (gcc) flag it would generate the debug symbols, as the desktop (linux, unix kernel) apps.

But, actually it does not work to generate debug symbols.

I see that you use Cmake as a external build tool and clang compiler.

So in my case I configure my cmake script with gcc but out of gradle scripting, but I think it will be the same, I add -mapcs-frame in the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS.

externalNativeBuild {
        cmake {
            arguments "-DANDROID_PLATFORM_LEVEL=${11}",

I know that if you use clang compile may be this flag could not work. But my idea was to share my experience with android native debugging.

I Hope this clues could help you.


The reason seems to be, that a release version of the lib is created, which does not support debugging, even if the app is built with debug options.


To solve this issue, do the following workaround. It ensures that a debug version is built.

In your apps build.gradle change:

compile project(':nativelib')


compile project(path: ':nativelib' , configuration: 'debug')

In the libs build.gradle add:

android {

    publishNonDefault  true //this line

    compileSdkVersion 24
    buildToolsVersion "25.0.2"
    defaultConfig {


See the google issue for updates: