Defragging NTFS Partitions from Linux

Yes, you can use shake. You'll first need to add a custom repository to your system:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:un-brice/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install shake-fs

Then you can do

sudo shake /some/dir

There is no such a tool around, for what I know.

Some site reports the following command

# WARNING - does not work
fsck -t ntfs --kerneldefrag /dev/hdX

but this does not work, and it is not clear where do they get it.

Update: UltraDefrag for Linux:

UltraDefrag is a powerful Open Source Defragmentation tool for the Windows Platform. It can defragment any system files including registry hives and paging file. Also one of the main goals of UltraDefrag is doing the job as fast and reliable as possible. It is being ported to Linux and NTFS-3G for defragmenting NTFS partitions. Currently only a test version in console mode is available. Please read the included file README.linux for compiling and testing

[I've not yet used this myself. Found it via a thread on an Arch forum. Further following the thread through to the next page leads to more on the topic. Try at your own risk.—kevjonesin—]